Mic & Jon

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

1st post in 2yrs+!

Oh my, time has really flown real quickly... It's been over 2 years since my last post. So many things have changed. Now I'm a married mother of an adorable baby boy. I'll keep this post short & sweet since it's nearly 4am in the morning and I'm still doing my work :( But looking @ my darling boy's pic just keeps me going. Gambate!

Baby Jeremiah's 1st CNY! Doesn't he just look adorable in his kungfu suit? Hee...

Mummy mummy, can you spot my biscuit?

Daddy, Mummy, look! Don't I just look adorable wearing my new hat? :P

Friday, August 10, 2007

Siem Reap 2 Aug 2007 - 5 Aug 2007

Drinking ice coffee and eating pastries at Blue Pumpkin

At Bayon temple, Ang Kor Thom

Mic posing in front of AngKor Wat

Full of energy before climing AngKor Wat

Friday, June 01, 2007

20 Months Anniversary

Mic's 20th Month Anniversary present to Jon. Thank you dear dear!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Taiwan 2006

12th January 2007
Dear dear eating his 鸡扒 @ Shilin night market. Very tender... Yummy!

13th January 2007
Japanese restaurant @ Yang Ming Shan. We had to walk thru the rain from the main lobby to this sitting area. It was sooo cold up there... Luckily this place is quite nice and warm.. Hehe...

Dear dear acting like a sumo.. hehe... he must be getting ready a BIG appetite for the good food ahead! hehe...

Dear dear showing a wide smile @ this beautiful restaurant.

Me @ the restaurant. Can tell how cold it is from looking thru the window... It was freezing~~!

Nice blossom plant in the restaurant.

Strawberry juice as the first course in our lunch menu. Very refreshing and nice... But dear dear drink already cough cough... tsk tsk tsk....

Our 2nd dish is this appetiser... Taupok was nice.. The middle one is more interesting.. It's peanut toufu. Very smooth and it has a very strong peanut taste! Very unusual and nice creation... The one on the right is salmon (i think.. hehe...)

Don't quite remember the order of the subsequent dishes... But this dish has scallops, prawns, egg plant & glutinuous rice... Quite a nice dish...

Some drink served.. Don't quite remember wat drink this is... Dear dear, do you remember?

Very fresh fish served in this sashimi salad. Also has a plant, like a cactus, in this dish. Nicer to eat if it is dipped in honey cos it has no taste.. :P

Plum wine served thereafter. I don't quite like it cos of the wine taste... Dear dear finished his and my share!

Steamed egg with dried scallop. It tastes great! I should try out this recipe some time... Hehe... Deardear shall be my 1st guinea pig!!

Mushroom served with some rice kueh. Not bad.

Glutinuous rice again?

Lily served in chicken soup. A very welcome dish cos it was freezing cold.. hehe...

Dessert time! It's my favorite orh ni! :P

After lunch, we took the mrt in Taipei to Dan Shui. It was windy and drizzling there.. As usual, dear dear had his favorite Starbucks frappucino... :P

On the left, it's something called 阿给. It's basically some fish meat & dong fen wrapped in taupok skin and served in sweet sauce (those pink sauce in chu chang fen).. Not nice to eat one.. On the right, it's just meatball & fishball soup... Passable~~

14th January 2007
Us @ Taipei 101. And as usual, dear dear had his favorite Starbucks frappucino... :P

Dear dear waiting patiently for his turn at Ding Tai Feng..

Monday, November 27, 2006

Our 1st Holiday @ Macau (22/11/2006 - 26/11/2006)

Us @ the themed park (Aladdin's Fort)

Dear dear taking picture with a serpent @ the themed park

A picture of the Sands hotel (the golden building on the right) & the themed parks on the left

Dear dear acting cute! hehe...

Dear dear in front of Aladdin's Fort

Me @ the ruins... looks like Rome... dunno when will get to go the Rome for real....

hehe... dear dear acting cute again :P

hehe... dear dear looks like the genie in the aladdin cartoon, especially with the font used by The Sands hotel :P

Us @ the Ruins of St Paul's. Too bad that it's under renovation... if not, think it'll look nicer...

A meal we had 西缳安记... We had 辣鱼包, 牛尾汤通粉 & 鸳鸯... interesting meal... hehe...

Dear dear & myself @ the St Paul's Ruins

Our tea break @ a small cafe called 胜利咖啡面食, where mummy & daddy ate on their previous trip... Dear dear & daddy had 牛楠面 while mummy had 云吞面 & I had 水饺面 + honey lemon drink... yummy! :P

We were searching for a restaurant famous for their roasted pigeon and the restaurant's name is Fat Siu Lou (not fever restaurant, but buddha smiling restaurant! hehe....) We walked sooo far just to find it and asked quite a number of people too... But ended up it's a western food restaurant, so we ended up not trying it... *phew* all the work for nothing....

We ended up eating in this small cafe next to the fat Siu Lou. This is recommended by a fellow colleague, but we also walked very far to find it as we didn't know it's just next to that restaurant.. hehe... We ordered 虾仔捞面, 鱿鱼,云吞汤,青菜 & 炸鲮鱼球. . . it's so-so...

Hehe.... everyone is tired and very full! only me taking pictures and just finished eating my ginger+milk dessert... i was super duper full!! *burp*

Oxtail macaroni and curry fried rice @ a small little cafe while on our way to find a church?

Woah~~! How much more do we need to climb to find the church?

We're finally @ the church's entrance!! It was soo tiring just to climb up the slopes to find this church....

Mummy & daddy @ the church, taking a picture in front of the Macau tower.

Us @ the church, taking a picture in front of the Macau tower.