Mic & Jon

Friday, February 23, 2007

Taiwan 2006

12th January 2007
Dear dear eating his 鸡扒 @ Shilin night market. Very tender... Yummy!

13th January 2007
Japanese restaurant @ Yang Ming Shan. We had to walk thru the rain from the main lobby to this sitting area. It was sooo cold up there... Luckily this place is quite nice and warm.. Hehe...

Dear dear acting like a sumo.. hehe... he must be getting ready a BIG appetite for the good food ahead! hehe...

Dear dear showing a wide smile @ this beautiful restaurant.

Me @ the restaurant. Can tell how cold it is from looking thru the window... It was freezing~~!

Nice blossom plant in the restaurant.

Strawberry juice as the first course in our lunch menu. Very refreshing and nice... But dear dear drink already cough cough... tsk tsk tsk....

Our 2nd dish is this appetiser... Taupok was nice.. The middle one is more interesting.. It's peanut toufu. Very smooth and it has a very strong peanut taste! Very unusual and nice creation... The one on the right is salmon (i think.. hehe...)

Don't quite remember the order of the subsequent dishes... But this dish has scallops, prawns, egg plant & glutinuous rice... Quite a nice dish...

Some drink served.. Don't quite remember wat drink this is... Dear dear, do you remember?

Very fresh fish served in this sashimi salad. Also has a plant, like a cactus, in this dish. Nicer to eat if it is dipped in honey cos it has no taste.. :P

Plum wine served thereafter. I don't quite like it cos of the wine taste... Dear dear finished his and my share!

Steamed egg with dried scallop. It tastes great! I should try out this recipe some time... Hehe... Deardear shall be my 1st guinea pig!!

Mushroom served with some rice kueh. Not bad.

Glutinuous rice again?

Lily served in chicken soup. A very welcome dish cos it was freezing cold.. hehe...

Dessert time! It's my favorite orh ni! :P

After lunch, we took the mrt in Taipei to Dan Shui. It was windy and drizzling there.. As usual, dear dear had his favorite Starbucks frappucino... :P

On the left, it's something called 阿给. It's basically some fish meat & dong fen wrapped in taupok skin and served in sweet sauce (those pink sauce in chu chang fen).. Not nice to eat one.. On the right, it's just meatball & fishball soup... Passable~~

14th January 2007
Us @ Taipei 101. And as usual, dear dear had his favorite Starbucks frappucino... :P

Dear dear waiting patiently for his turn at Ding Tai Feng..


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