Mic & Jon

Thursday, July 06, 2006

1st Kiss Anniversary

Wow, how time flies when you are having fun! It has been a year since Mic and I had our first kiss! That's a whole 365 days! It just seems as though it was yesterday that we had our first MWAH MWAH.....

Today, I picked Mic up from her house and send her to work. We had lunch together at Hong Lim, we had hokkien mee. I had to wait for Mic and she was stuck in a meeting, was supposed to meet at 12.15pm but Mic turned up at 1.05pm.

We will be going to Mic's place tonight because it is Mic's mummy's birthday tommorrow. So we are going to PP to cut the cake with Mic's family.

I love my princess! MWAH MWAH


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